Our Climate Policy
We recognize global climate change science, as laid out by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Our goal is to be diligent in responding to the shift to a lower-carbon economy and we will accomplish this by investing in and producing Biofuels - biodiesel, biogas and biojet - for trade and investment and distribution of technologies such as solar, wind and other renewable technologies for both consumer and industrial applications.
We believe that the global response to climate change should pursue twin objectives: both limiting temperatures in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including universal access to affordable energy.
Our Approach
To actively engage with policy-makers on regulatory changes arising from global climate change efforts – such as the COP21 commitments agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement.
To meet the growing needs of a lower carbon economy, AmeriCorp aims to prioritize its capital investment to include the production of renewable energy and fuels from waste sources such as MSW and used tires, essential to a reduction in pollution on the planet and to limit its fossil fuel trade capacity from current levels to transition to a majority Biofuels trade organization.
Since crude is also one of the highest production cost contributors to refined fuels – and the feedstock sources (MSW and tires) will provide 'tipping fees' income to AmeriCorp - we will also improve our revenue model efficiency, while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.